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Thank a Teacher 

Shelbi Gambrell

Oklahoma State University


Elementary Education

Meeker Public Schools 

I was destined to be in the education world. My mother, grandmother, and grandfather, along with various aunts and uncles, all served as educators to Oklahoma's youth. I could not be more excited to serve in one of the oldest and most respected professions of all time.


The passion I have for education led me to Oklahoma State University, where I am currently a sophomore majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in Child Development. As I reflect on my life, it is evident to me that without the incredible teachers I had as role models, I would not have the knowledge or passion I do today to pursue a career in education. I desire to make an impact on future generations just as so many incredible teachers did for me. From this reflection and a nudge from God, Letters of Gratitude began to take shape.


My fantastic Education Technology Professor, Travis Hartfield, allowed me to launch Letters of Gratitude with his Education Technology class. Throughout the Spring of 2017, students will launch Letters of Gratitude from OSU by sending letters to teachers that have impacted their life and encouraged them to pursue a career in education.

My Story



Jennifer Gambrell

My Mom

Mrs. Gambrell's passion for education began as she taught 4th grade at Meeker Public School. Mrs. Gambrell is always willing to learn and evolve her classroom perspectiveShe now works to improve teachers' outlook through the National Board Certification process. She is passionate about taking an average teacher and building an incredible one. She is my inspiration and root of my passion for education.

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